Book Marketing Resources

September 8, 2020by hugh
Everytime I go to John Kremer’s website,, I am amazed by what an incredibly rich resource it is for authors and publishing companies.  In addition to a bunch of free white papers with tips on marketing, the site has additional resources that can be purchased for very reasonable prices.  Two prominently featured on the front...

Everytime I go to John Kremer’s website,, I am amazed by what an incredibly rich resource it is for authors and publishing companies.  In addition to a bunch of free white papers with tips on marketing, the site has additional resources that can be purchased for very reasonable prices.  Two prominently featured on the front page are a booklet on choosing a distributor and a listing of the 700 top independent book sellers.  Additional to his website, he has several terrific books, including the killer 1001 Ways to Market Your Book.

I know this sounds like a pitch, but I have nothing to gain from this recommendation other than knowing that an author who follows this site, reads John Kremer’s books and other materials, is just absolutely guaranteed to sell more books.

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